Longevity, lifestyles and eating: The importance of education


Since the last decades of the 20th century, there have been an increasing attention on the ageing of population and on the need to develop specific interventions aiming to promote wellbeing and quality of life  of ageing individuals (Petretto et al., 2016, 2017, 2018, Pili and Petretto, 2019).  

World Health Organization (WHO) considered the development of those interventions as a priority and asked countries to create a research and intervention agenda with a focus on the promotion of healthy and active ageing. According to a biopsychosocial approach, WHO defined some pillars at the base of healthy and active ageing. Moreover, WHO focused their attention on eating and healthy lifestyles as ways to promote wellbeing and longevity (WHO, 2002, WHO, 2012, Paul et al., 2012).  There are increasing research findings in this field, also by cross-national comparisons and by the development of intervention models aimed to prevent “not-communicable disorders” and to promote wellbeing.   Aiming to offer a contribution in this field, in this book we describe of the findings of the Cooperation  Project “Longevity, healthy lifestyles and eating: the role of education” coordinated by a working group of the University of Cagliari (Micaela Morelli, Prorector for Research, Donatella Rita Petretto, Iole Tomassini Barbarossa, Sebastiano Banni, Monica Deiana, Melania Melis, Pierluigi Caboni, Sofia Cosentino, Andrea Loviselli, Fernanda Velluzzi) with Global Community on Longevity,  and partner from the Republic of Belarus (“Sardinian-Belarus” Association, Pedagogical State University of Minsk, National Academy of Science, Bobruisk City Polyclinic, State Medical University), with the support of the Republic of Belarus Consul in Sardinia, Giuseppe Carboni. The Project is supported and funded by Sardinian Region (RAS) 2018 by L.R. 11/04/1996 N°19 – grant for the year 2018

Biografie autore

Donatella Rita Petretto, associate professor of Clinical Psychology, Department of Education, Philosophy and Psychology, University of Cagliari. She published books and more than 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals on clinical psychology and on the promotion of health, and wellbeing. She coordinated national and international research programs.

Roberto Pili, physician and oncologist, President of the Global Community on Longevity and of IERFOP (Istituto Europeo di Ricerca, Formazione ed Orientamento Professionale) Onlus. He published books and papers in peer-reviewed journals on the promotion of longevity and active ageing. He coordinated national and international research and dissemination programs.

Copertina per Longevity, lifestyles and eating: The importance of education
1 novembre 2021
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