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Accademia delle Scienze – Annales. Class of Physical Sciences

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Editor in Chief
Pierluigi Contucci

Editorial Board
Daniele Bonacorsi (Physics)
Luca Ciotti (Astronomy)
Matteo Guidotti (Chemistry)
Pier Luigi Martelli (Biology)
Alberto Parmeggiani (Mathematics)
Susi Pelotti (Medicine)
Nicola Rizzo (Medicine)
Marco Roccetti (Computer science)
Cesare Saccani (Engineering)

The series collects a selection of manuscripts related to the activities of the Academy, favoring original contributions in the individual disciplines and, in particular, those with non-strictly technical contents of common interest for both classes. Its goal is to promote scientific communication of the highest level, without disciplinary boundaries, from which new cultural perspectives can emerge with a significant impact on the academic community and society.

The manuscripts, all by invitation from members of the academy, must be written in English or Italian and sent to the editorial staff. The Editor in Chief submits them to the scrutiny of a member of the Academy, for example the proponent or a member of the Editorial Board.

The latter in turn chooses the referees and assumes the responsibility of appearing as the member presenting the work if it is deemed suitable for publication. After the peer review, the Editor in Chief reserves the final decision on the acceptance of the contribution.

In questa collana

Bologna University Press sarà chiusa venerdì 26 Aprile.
Tutti gli ordini saranno evasi da lunedì 29 Aprile.